Learn about the NEW FEATURES in the ParentConnect Video Series
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Q ParentConnection How To:
- Forgot Your Password Link (must know PIN # to reset and have a valid email address in system)
- Improved Navigation
- Expandable menus (+ and - symbols)
- Progress Reports
- Combined Single View for Multiple Track Students
- Print Info (Prints all open windows as shown on screen)
Editable information, such as changing your email address is found under the "My Account" link.
Parents may also subscribe to automated email notifications for School News, Attendance, Assignments, and Report Cards; see "Email Notifications" link.

Viewing my students Marks (Grades), Select Assignments, then the "Printer" icon.
This report will show the breakdown of how the grades are determined; by total points or percentage weighted categories.
**YR Courses and Show All **
Note that Trimester courses at Elementary and Intermediate will list assignments for the school year since they are scheduled as a year long (YR) course. Grade displayed will be for that mark term (Trimester). *Unless the teacher has set to view a specific term. To view break down of assignments for the trimester only, run the Student Progress Report.
Is a "snapshot" of the students progress at a specific moment in time, note time stamp. The script is ran nightly, but is NOT LIVE DATA. See Assignments/Attendance for live info after it has been submitted by teacher.